An innovative Expedition journey lies ahead in Expedition 5! Developed by the makers of Expedition 4 and Expedition World, this game offers four distinct realms to discover: the Sea Shrine, Flame Sanctuary, Spark Citadel, and the treacherous Mythic Abyss. Discover adorable, formidable, and enigmatic Expeditions as you traverse through this vibrant fictional universe! Begin with a modest crew and progressively expand your team with fresh creatures to personalize your ultimate group.
Partake in exhilarating turn-based combats as the primary gameplay. Employ action cards for assaulting and capturing enfeebled adversaries. Access your rucksack during battles for special possessions you've accumulated. Utilize fragments to enhance the level of your Expeditions and unlock novel action cards. Test your skills against fellow trainers to cement your position as the mightiest Expedition Commander! Play using touch-sensitive controls or your mouse.